David Rosen

“When I started my yoga practice with Jennifer, it was a time of breakthrough for me on many levels, and her instruction was a pillar for me in terms of physical fitness and rejuvenation. In conjunction with her practice and diet I lost over 30 lbs. and gained a new body with more mobility and tensile strength (though I still have a long way to go,) but none of that is why I truly feel special to be a student with Jennifer. For me, our practice does the following; charts physical progress and creates incredible strength, provides sanctuary for my body and mind to reset and reorient, and lastly, fills me with an energy that is both calm and empowered. As someone who had a therapist and many different personal trainers through the years, yoga practice with Jennifer has not only enlightened me personally, it has also opened wide access to a culture I was shut off too, that I can now engage with confidence. All I can say is that last week I couldn’t fully do a side-crow (yet,) but I did do an excellent bridge, and I used to not be able to do a crow (which involves putting all your weight on your hands) and now I can do that with ease and on a good day push out to a plank, albeit momentarily. Thank you!”

David Rosen

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Linnea Johansson

"Jennifer has helped me discover yoga and what it can do for my body. From my very first beginners class she has taught me pose by pose and how to align my body correctly, something that I could never have learned in a larger group class or on my own. She has pushed me to try new poses that I didn’t think I could do (shoulder and head stands gaaah), but at the same time, taken a step by step approach to make sure I learn the poses correctly and avoid injury."

Linnea Johansson

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Mark Denhert


“I have trained with Jennifer for almost a year and have achieved increased flexibility, improved core strength, and better overall body tone. When we started I was a beginner and she nurtured me through the basics, and now she is challenging me as I advance in my practice. We train 2-3 times a week, and she has made every class both a joyful experience as well as a physical challenge. I am very happy with the progress we have made together. She is very punctual whether we train at 6am, or 9pm, and very easy and responsive when scheduling sessions. Highly recommended."

Mark Dehnert


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